Wow! This is my first award you guys! I have the lovely Kris from Vivez Riez Aimez to thank for this. Now, I've seen a ton of different variations for how to... accept this award, I guess? :D I'll just do it how Kris did it, so... Here goes!
7 Things About Me
1. I was born in New York City, then I moved to New Jersey, then I moved to Hawaii, and now I'm back in Jersey! It feels like my life has come in full circle. ^^ And I'm only fourteen, ha.
2. I'm half Chinese and half Irish, which makes for a very interesting mix. It's really weird because my brother looks totally Chinese and I look totally Irish. Hm. Genes confuse me.
3. I have a natural instinct to get up at 5:45 exactly every day ever since I started high school. I'm not kidding. EXACTLY. It's freakin' me out (and makes for unpleasant weekends).
4. I'm a neat person to the point of OCD. It's so annoying sometimes! Have you ever seen Monk? Yeah, kind of like that, but not as bad.
5. Pretzels are my favorite snack ever. That's pretty self explanatory! I love Rold Gold, even though they have artificial flavors. :/
6. I love winter. It's been my favorite season since I was little.
7. Reading and writing are my two favorite hobbies. I'm really excited to take two English electives this year! Awesome.
So my seven nominees are! Drumroll, please. Are you doing it? Oh, I hope I don't nominate someone who's already received this award, but if I have... Then you have two! :)
My 7 Nominees
1. Now is Now: You're trying so hard to fight ED and you're winning! Keep it up, girlie. We're all here for you!
2. Nattie Tan from Eating to Live: Nattie, I love your bar supply. :D I wish I lived in Australia so I could get the ones that they don't sell here!
3. Lisa from Healthy Product Reviews: I feel like we have a connection... Not sure why though? ^^ Love your reviews!
4. Stephanie from The Skinny Plate: I've loved your blog even before I started my own. Big inspiration right here!
5. Lisa from This Girl's Life: Lisa, you've been fighting ED for so long now, longer than most bloggers. I truly feel like you've made so much progress. Hope every thing's good with Baby!
6. Karina from Like Some Cat From Japan: I absolutely love your blog. It's been a while since you've posted, but I know that you have already helped other girls through the blogging world.
7. Eliane from Vanilla Swirl: I've saved this bloggette for last because her blog no longer exists as of today, I believe. The last post was from her sister saying she went to the hospital. I am so worried and scared for her, so this award is in honor of Eliane. Please come back to us!
That's all! Thank you very much for this award, Kris. :D And please pray for Eliane tonight. We may never hear from her again through the blog world but I just hope she actually is okay.